The National Health Law Program 50th Anniversary Celebration

Washington, D.C. Reception

The National Health Law Program’s 50th Anniversary Celebration continued in the nation’s capital on November 12, 2019.  Joined by more than 150 friends and supporters, the National Health Law Program reflected and pondered on the past, present and future of health care in this country.

The D.C. Host Committee Chair and the Kaiser Family Foundation Executive Vice President Emerita, Diane Rowland, welcomed the guests to the Foundation’s beautiful Barbara Jordan Conference Center. NHeLP’s Executive Director, Elizabeth Taylor, shared the vision for the future where individuals’ characteristics and circumstances — such as race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and immigration status — do not predict their health outcomes. She also thanked many sponsors, supporters and partners who have made the 50th anniversary celebration possible and the NHeLP alums who joined us, including former executive directors, Emily Spitzer and Sylvia Drew Ivie, and Lon Mullen who traveled from Houston, Texas to be at the event.

Wendell Primus, Senior Policy Advisor on Budget and Health Issues to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, delivered a special message on behalf of the Speaker, in which she congratulated and praised the work of NHeLP in protecting and advancing the health and well-being of our most vulnerable and underserved communities. She also invited NHeLP to continue working together to ensure that heath care remains a right, not a privilege, for all. (Click here to see Speaker Pelosi’s letter.)

Leo Cuello, NHeLP’s Director of Health Policy, then rounded off the program by saying:

I want to thank all of you who have supported our work and been part of our work these 50 years,
and I want to invite all of you to join us in the work that lies ahead.  I do believe the arc is bending towards health justice,
but it s a long arc, and it does not bend inevitably, and it does not bend on its own. So please join us.”

(Photos by Daniel McGarrity Photography)

View more event photos HERE


Washington, D.C. Host Committee

Diane Rowland, Chair
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (Ret.)

Don Baer

Tricia A. Beckmann
Faegre Baker Daniels Consulting

Marc L. Fleischaker
Arent Fox LLP

Ian Heath Gershengorn
Jenner & Block LLP

Jessica Hertz

Susan M. Hoffman
Crowell & Moring LLP

Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Covington & Burling LLP

Ann M. Kappler
Prudential Financial

Karen Lash
American University Justice Programs Office

Cindy Mann
Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP

Caroline Judge Mehta
Zuckerman Spaeder LLP

David W. Ogden

Allison B. Orris
Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP

Joseph R. Palmore
Morrison & Foerster LLP

Andrew J. Pincus
Mayer Brown

Sara Rosenbaum
The George Washington University
Milken Institute School of Public Health

Andy Schneider
Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy

William B. Schultz
Zuckerman Spaeder LLP 

Emily Spitzer
Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust
National Health Law Program (Ret.)

Susan B. and William W. Taylor

Donald B. Verrilli, Jr.
Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP

Vikki Wachino
Viaduct Consulting LLC

Judy Waxman and Jim Weill

Robert N. Weiner
Arnold & Porter

Timothy M. Westmoreland
Georgetown University Law Center

Ronald L. Wisor, Jr.
Hogan Lovells

Mara Youdelman
National Health Law Program

*Affiliation listed for identification purposes only.

Our special thanks to the following organizations for hosting our anniversary events at their venues:

For additional information about our 50th anniversary celebration, please contact Mizue Suito, Director of Development, at 202-808-2301 or