NHeLP Helped Craft Section 1557 and Pushed for Implementation
WASHINGTON —The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced the final rule implementing the Affordable Care Act’s nondiscrimination provision, Section 1557. The National Health Law Program (NHeLP), which advocates for health care rights of low-income and underserved individuals, welcomed today’s action by HHS.
NHeLP Executive Director Elizabeth G. Taylor said the final rule represents progress toward the ultimate goal of health equity, where all individuals have the opportunity to attain the fullest health potential.
“The Obama administration is moving in the right direction to end discrimination in health care services,” Taylor said. “The Affordable Care Act’s nondiscrimination policy is intended to ensure that all individuals have equal access to health care services, and this implementing rule advances that goal.”
NHeLP Managing Attorney Mara Youdelman, who has written extensively about the ACA’s nondiscrimination provision, said “We commend HHS for its efforts in finalizing this rule to prevent discrimination in health care. We look forward to robust enforcement of Section 1557 to ensure that individuals do not receive poor health care due to the color of their skin, the language they speak, their sex, their sexual orientation or gender identity, whether they were born in the U.S., or because of a disability. Everyone deserves the same access to high quality health care.”
NHeLP provided comment to HHS when the rule was first proposed and filed a landmark HIV discrimination complaint on adverse tiering of prescription drugs. Also see Youdelman’s “Health Advocate” on nondiscrimination and the ACA here.
NHeLP is analyzing the final nondiscrimination rule and will soon have in-depth analysis of the rule’s scope. Please contact the NHeLP Communications Department at leaming@healthlaw.org or 202-552-5176 for further comment and analysis.
NHeLP, founded in 1969, advocates for the rights of low-income and underserved people to access quality health care.