California Healthline: HIV Medication Decision in Florida May Have Implications in California

California Healthline: HIV Medication Decision in Florida May Have Implications in California

By David Gorn

A health insurer in Florida last week agreed to lower the price of some HIV medications, moving them from a specialty tier to a generic medication tier.

The move by Aetna was prompted, in part, by a lawsuit filed by the National Health Law Program (NHLP, also known as NHeLP). According to Wayne Turner, staff attorney at NHLP, the Florida news has ramifications in California — for HIV/AIDS patients, and possibly for others with conditions requiring specialty medications.

“The formularies in California have been more balanced than other parts of the country, so it’s not the same as Florida,” Turner said. “But there definitely are implications for California. This will have direct impact for HIV/AIDS patients in California.” Read the full article here. »

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