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results in Health Care Reform.
  • Short Paper 3: The ACA and Substance Use Disorders

    Background On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (?ACA? or ?the Act?) into law.1 While the ACA is aimed primarily at improving health outcomes by increasing access to health insurance, it also contains a number of provisions targeted at improving…

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  • Shield of Federalism: Interstate Compacts in Our Constitution

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    From the Texas Public Policy FoundationCenter for Tenth Amendment Studiesby Ted Cruz Senior Fellow, Center for Tenth Amendment Studies Mario Loyola Director, Center for Tenth Amendment Studies Key Points As shields, interstate compacts can protect areas of State regulation from federal power. Interstate compacts allow…

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  • Short Paper 4: The ACA and Nursing Mothers

    and Jina Dhillon

    Despite overwhelming evidence that breastfeeding and the exclusive provision of breast milk to infants improves health, saves money and increases productivity, the percentage of American women who breastfeed remains far below that recommended by medical experts and governmental organizations.1 The necessity of returning to work combined with lack…

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  • Short Paper #5: The ACA and Language Access

    Health care reform offered many opportunitiesto improve language access by including specific provisions to increase funding, resources, and services. NHeLP convenes a national coalition of stakeholders working on language access issues and this coalition developed a list of principles for health reform that included the overarching principles: …

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  • The ACA and Application of § 1557 and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

    This memo analyzes how the nondiscrimination provision enacted as Sec. 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 should apply to the Health Insurance Exchanges (Exchanges) created by the ACA and the health insurance plans that participate…

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  • The Health Care Compact

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    Whereas, the separation of powers, both between the branches of the federal government and between federal and state authority, is essential to the preservation of individual liberty;   Whereas, the Constitution creates a federal government of limited and enumerated powers, and reserves to the States or to the…

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